

Malassezia Yeast and Lethal Strategies - of the Past (1)

                                             ( Nov 12)

      Malassezia Yeast and Lethal Strategies - of the Past (1)


           “Tragically Hilarious or Highly Embarrassing ?”

..............  . /.  .............  

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 While i was completing an entry i suddenly remembered some desperate strategies
i had implemented some time back when Malassezia was coursing my body 24/7
literally from top to toe and did not know yet what it was.

I may have mentioned some small details before but never the full extend
as at times i thought them hilarious and at times embarrassing.
Nevertheless, there is still some informative value so i will reveal it all briefly here:

               Malassezia Strategy - Method 1: Arctic Effect

           (Winter 2010:   5-8 Degrees Celsius during Night time)


                                                The Plan:

* Wear just a skimpy, sleeveless singlet and pantie
* Cover my body only with a light cotton summer single Sheet
* Open sliding door and window beside me
* Place a Fan directly opposite on High, blasting me with Icy Cold night air

Successfully ending up like a Frozen Popsicle in the morning
taking time for my bones to thaw but NO Damn Effect on Malassezia!...

(Use of Fan and opening doors at night had also served other reasons
mentioned already in some earlier entries from where i got the idea
for this master plan above.)

Malassezia Strategy - Method 2: High Heat Application on Afflicted areas

Directing and applying as much heat to certain areas to near burning point
it might destroy the offending creature or render it unable to multiply.

                                               The Plan:

* Use Hair Drier on High Heat as close to afflicted area and for as long
  as i can possibly stand it without injuries:

* On Head/ Scalp
* Near as close as possible to delicate Private areas
* Anywhere a crawling sensation was felt

This did not seem to work well enough so i bought a Fan Heater
and ...repeated the action in All areas but the head.

(Terrible mistake -both tools- not only with consequences to my Lung and bleeding
 due to sensitivity in extreme temperatures either side of the scale
but also in heating up and inflaming the afflicted areas and thus attracting
more of the creature –and that’s how i noticed and learned its attraction
for inflamed / blood supplying areas.)

Malassezia Strategy - Method 3: Intentional Perspiration Drenching


                                              The Plan

* Leave only a small opening in the window to avoid any evening breezes cooling the room
   and preserving as much of the day’s heat of 32 -35 C etc.

* Turning the Electric Blanket On, on High, two hours before going to bed
   and leaving it On All Night

* Wearing Long Flannelette winter pyjamas and long sleeve singlet underneath
   plus a Woollen Beanie on the head (quite a sight to behold!)

* Covering my Body with a Quilt plus two summery Blankets
  and Roasting in a Drenching Hell for as many hours as possible
  without allowing myself to get up and change clothing
  until morning or when i could not hold my bladder any longer.

Dangerous and extremely uncomfortable for the benefit of only two hours peace
and quiet in the morning.

Dangerous due to excessive fluid and mineral loss - but have always banked
on my richly nutritious and highly hydrating diet to replenish it back.

Eventually i gave it up – too much trouble and inconvenience plus extra wash loads
only to have the traffic starting all over again after a false resemblance of success
–due to the temporary extreme quietness and an exhilarating sense of hope
followed by the yet another let down feeling.

It only happens naturally now due to the Atypical T sweats and this helps clear some
GSL off my skin onto clothing immediately discarded.

The True Positives that came out of this experiment were:

1) A lot of GS Layer was washed off on the clothing and bed sheets instead of my skin
    significantly reducing the quantities and effects of Malassezia developments

2) Gave me the idea of another lethal experiment which was successful
    but i paid dearly for the benefit

3) Gave me the most important idea, that since implemented has caused
    the significant turnaround, in reduction, and gaining control on the outer body areas.
    It took a long time before my brain finally registered the most serious fundamental fact
    of a frequently repeated pattern, observed but stubbornly refusing to accept
    until its clarity and repetition struck louder and beyond any hope, wish or resistance:
                                       Production of Malassezia is Internal 
                       Only Part of the Cycle and Manifestation of Symptoms
                                           take place Outside on the Body
                  thus Any External Treatments provide only a Temporary Effect!

                                                             * * * * * *

Next Entry:             The Dangerous and the Hilarious!... 
                   (from where some relevant helpful ideas derived)

           Malassezia yeast and Lethal Strategies - of the Past (2)

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