( OCT 12 )
Malassezia Yeast -
Demodex Photo Comparison
“ Many Confusing
Similarities ... Yet is it Really So?...”
.............. . /.
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This Photo was
kindly Identified by Ivar Brandt as:
“Sebaceous gland
and hair follicle mites (Demodex spp.)”
We had been
suspecting so after comparing with Google Images of Demodex.
and so did the Gentleman
who Identified the Malassezia Yeast photo
but not having viewed a Demodex from that angle as in the photo above
refrained declaring
it as such, as not being able to tell with absolute certainty;
quite appropriate,
understandable and respectfully professional!
with Three Google Images, Photos of Demodex.
Malassezia Shards or Demodex Cocoons?
From Scrapings
off my Finger Nails
(Under Biological Microscope)
Cocoon on my man’s
Eye Brow
(Under Biological Microscope)
One of my Husband’s Golden Eye Brow
Hairs with an Object attached
Elongated Object attached to an Eyebrow Hair (on its left)
with small creatures attached to it
quite similar to the one in the
Top Demodex Photo (1 )
Below Comparison of Demodex (1) and
Malassezia (2 – 3) Shapes
so what are the creatures attached on the Eye Brow Hair ( below) ?
Malassezia Shards or Demodex Cocoons?
Similar Shapes but there is quite
a Distinct Difference between the two:
Only Malassezia Develops Hyphae
Malassezia Stages of Hyphae Development
They are also said to be causing similar
Is this an Established
Medical Fact Based on Properly Conducted Tests
Resulting in Diagnosis of Demodex or Malassezia and Both
cases been found
to be displaying the same or
very similar symptoms - or just on 'collective data'
based on People’s Self
Assessments - Not necessarily correct ?
Some Readers have
Self-Assessed their condition as Demodex
others as Malassezia and others as Morgellons
going even as far as assessing my own condition as Morgellons
rather than Malassezia, even though:
others as Malassezia and others as Morgellons
going even as far as assessing my own condition as Morgellons
rather than Malassezia, even though:
condition is not currently recognized as a distinct clinical disorder
with established
diagnostic criteria
that are generally accepted by the medical community...”
that are generally accepted by the medical community...”
I, Myself initially had
Self–Assessed my Condition as Demodex prior
to the fortunate
Identification and
following verification of details as Malassezia.
So, “According to What Base or Whose Assessment” do we know
that a number of symptoms
are not caused by Malassezia
ascribed as caused
by Demodex or vice versa.
Is it safe for me to
say that i have enough evidence since the numerous samples
examined under both
Digital and Biological Microscopes have produced
invariably and abundantly Malassezia in different stages of development
as opposed to only those two samples above indicating presence of a couple
invariably and abundantly Malassezia in different stages of development
as opposed to only those two samples above indicating presence of a couple
of lonely Demodex, that the
Symptoms i experience are then indicative
of Malassezia and not Demodex ... or Morgellons for that matter...
of Malassezia and not Demodex ... or Morgellons for that matter...
Only the Top Photo sample
was mine and the Only One found with a Demodex
while the rest of
the samples came from my husband which are hard to identify visually
as to what they
might be – unless we had known at the time and waited to see if further
development would have
revealed springing hyphae or more distinct shaping of Demodex.
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D7: Malassezia Yeast Hyphae-bloodsucking Medusas
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