

                     ‘Malassezia Yeast ~ My Story’

                    What this Site Presents:

* Malassezia Yeast – How it looks under Biological Microscope
* Malassezia Yeast – How it looks under Digital Microscope on Body
* Malassezia Yeast – Symptoms and Effects on Body
* Help develop an Understanding on How it Works and Why it Fails
* Detailed Lists of All Substances and Methods used to date
  with Comments of What Works -How and Where- and What Does not 
* What it takes (me) to Sufficiently Control Presence and Symptoms
   on different areas of the Body to a Manageable Level.
                                * * *

* If Looking for a Quick Magic Pill, Potion or Lotion...
   which can be applied once and be Free and happy Ever after
   it will Not be found here... simply because of the nature of the problem:

   It is not just Topical, it is Linked to the Immune System,
   it is a Natural Part of the Body Flora, it is produced 
   and fully Survives Both Internally as well as Externally
   and Highly Recurrent even after Prescribed Medication. 
