( June 11 )
Malassezia Yeast: Brief History and Photos

"Through the Maze of Lice, Scabies, Morgellons, Demodex ..."

"Through the Maze of Lice, Scabies, Morgellons, Demodex ..."
.............. . /.
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For the past Eighteen months i have been trying both to combat
as well as Identify what initially was thought to be Head Lice.
When different head lice treatments did not produce a result
and the creature moved from the Hair to the Shoulders, Back, Chest,
Legs, Buttocks as well as Genital areas, i started researching
for Body Lice, Crab Lice, Bed Bugs and eventually Scabies.
Legs, Buttocks as well as Genital areas, i started researching
for Body Lice, Crab Lice, Bed Bugs and eventually Scabies.
After several Scabies treatments failed as well, search brought me
to a Morgellon's website and from link to link and forum to forum
-and links inside pages, i also came across the Demodex
and a variation of other Follicular ailments.
to a Morgellon's website and from link to link and forum to forum
-and links inside pages, i also came across the Demodex
and a variation of other Follicular ailments.
I also researched other possibilities such as Eczema, Chicken Pox, Shingles,
Herpes and in the end even Syphilis -due to a previous marriage to a world traveller
Herpes and in the end even Syphilis -due to a previous marriage to a world traveller
with a private past- as well as extended research into Fungal and Candida Infections
but found it difficult to confirm whatever alternately suspected.
but found it difficult to confirm whatever alternately suspected.
While gathering information and personal observation of the bizarre behaviour
of my tormentor i was not sure whether i was getting any closer to anything
or further away or whether i had a combination of several organisms
due to a weak immune system and a decade long of antibiotic treatment
due to a Serious Lung Illness -Atypical TB- for which i now seem to be paying the price.
Ironically my Lungs seem to be as steady as could be, giving no much trouble.
Leaning at the time more on the idea that it was either Scabies or Demodex
gone crazy on my body and having learned about Ivermectin being effective
on both cases, in one as a single treatment and the other in conjunction
with some antibiotic or external Permethrin treatment, i headed for my local GP
where to my dismay i found out that Ivermectin was not prescribed
for Scabies, and additionally required Government authorisation etc.
I had taken with me a sample with some suspicious substance collected from my ear
on a cotton bud hoping it may contain the creature but when i went
back for the result the Lab had not produced a proper report because
the specimen "had not been presented in a proper container."
Still there was a result that there was nothing air born or nothing grew etc.
The second Doctor together with instructions on how to use Sellotape
to catch the creature and a New Form to take to the Laboratory
suggested a General Blood test, and or for Syphilis etc.
which i did not believe anymore that were relevant to the creature
due to its Very Characteristic Behaviour and i was getting rather impatient
while it was Digging Painful Burning Holes in my Body
suggested a General Blood test, and or for Syphilis etc.
which i did not believe anymore that were relevant to the creature
due to its Very Characteristic Behaviour and i was getting rather impatient
while it was Digging Painful Burning Holes in my Body
and matting my Hair making it impossible to comb through
so i asked to see a Specialist in order to pursue "targeted" approach
and "direct" treatment to the problem.
When i went home and checked the notes of the reference to the specialist
i discover to utter dismay that it described my condition as "Pimply rash"....!!! ...
I was totally devastated!
I was totally devastated!
I wanted to think it was a mix up description of my husband's diagnosis
but effectively this had resolutely torpedoed any chance
of a specialist taking my case seriously.
but effectively this had resolutely torpedoed any chance
of a specialist taking my case seriously.
(Must note here many of my home remedies had kept scarring to a minimum)
So, i reinforced my efforts to do it alone and while pondering on the Lab form
and specimen and whether it would be worth to proceed with either,
i started collecting some gritty white granules that were deposited
by the creature on my skin, producing some itching,
as well as some similar oily blobs like dried pus from a pimple,
the size of 1/3 approx of a pin head. I thought they might be eggs.
by the creature on my skin, producing some itching,
as well as some similar oily blobs like dried pus from a pimple,
the size of 1/3 approx of a pin head. I thought they might be eggs.
I placed them in a cellophane envelope while deciding whether to send them to the Lab
and after near three weeks thinking all would all be dead by now not worth for the Lab
so i was just about to throw them out when i noticed that some
had visibly and unmistakably changed both colour and size!... (photo 1)
so i was just about to throw them out when i noticed that some
had visibly and unmistakably changed both colour and size!... (photo 1)
This, as well as wanting to see the invisible invader, prompted my husband
to buy our first electronic microscope so that if /when decided to see a specialist
we would have photos and a comprehensive but complete medical history
instead of a vague, trivial ..."pimply rash"...
The experience with the microscope was quite enlightening
as well as confusing because with the electronic one all is moving!...
there is a lot of light reflection and hard to tell if what we saw was anything or not
and if so ...then what????
as well as confusing because with the electronic one all is moving!...
there is a lot of light reflection and hard to tell if what we saw was anything or not
and if so ...then what????
What was very clear though was the augmentation of the grit / blob collection
and the detail and extend of the lesions even those not easy to see with naked eye.
Below is the first sample of a grit/blob collected either from my back or finger nails
the photo taken by the Digital Microscope approximately 3 months after the
initial discovery of their augmentation.
I kept collecting more samples and new photos were taken near 8 months later
with a new Biological Microscope we purchased while learning to use and interpret.
(Photos below)
The Digital Microscope magnification of these photos is not easy to tell because
the capacity is up to 400x but there is only a very small spot /space
where the focus is clear, so small that it requires only fractional rotation of the dial.
where the focus is clear, so small that it requires only fractional rotation of the dial.
I believe it was somewhere around the 200x.

To the naked eye, this Divided particle looked like One unit.
I have often rubbed some with my fingers and they crumble into multiple dust like bits.
Even though three months later the augmentation and division was clearly visible
to the naked eye , it still looked like one particle.
Sample 1

Sample 1 of a gritty / blob collected either from my back or finger nails.
Viewed approx 8 months later with a Biological Microscope
Magnification 200 x -info may not be accurate - we are amateurs.
(Photo taken by iPod phone camera.)
Sample 2

Sample 2 of a gritty / blob collected either from my back or finger nails.
Viewed approx 8 months later with a Biological Microscope
Magnification 400 x -info may not be accurate - we are amateurs.
(Photo taken by iPod phone camera.)
Sample 3

New Sample of a gritty / blob collected only a few days back
Viewed with Biological microscope - photo taken by iPod phone.
Photo not very clear but the Microscope image of elongated shape
is displaying the same Filament and Segment /Nodules
as the old samples above.
as the old samples above.
For Lesions see also: Malassezia Yeast - Symptoms - Photos - Comments
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