( November 11 )
Malassezia: Development Stages under Microscope (1)
Malassezia Yeast: Cycle and Development Stages (2)

Malassezia Yeast: Cycle and Development Stages (2)

"Two Distinctly Different Phases"
Malassezia: Development Stages under Microscope (1)
" Two Distinct Routes of Traffic - Four Detectable Stages of Development "
.............. . /. .............
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Malassezia: Development Stages under Microscope (1)
Viewed with Digital Microscope
Under Digital Microscope placed Directly on the Skin
Malassezia looks like
a Thin Milky Amorphous Liquid with Erratic Motility
Highly Responsive to Light and Heat.
Malassezia looks like
a Thin Milky Amorphous Liquid with Erratic Motility
Highly Responsive to Light and Heat.
It separates in several differently shaped droplet like particles, then regroups again,
to form a paddle like shape and separates again, creating different shapes each time,
then steadily and fairly quickly starts to disappears deep under the surface of the skin
where it is not visible anymore.
Waiting for a little while though it partially returns to the surface
-possibly attracted by the gentle heat emanated by the microscope light -
only to retreat again, away from the microscope light.
For quite some time we were unsure and thought this might be moisture,
but on further observations and by applying some common logic in regards to at least
the behaviour of moisture which can be more reliable,
i.e. evaporates but does not play hide and seek,
i gathered that:
i.e. evaporates but does not play hide and seek,
i gathered that:
* Moisture is not milky (unless there is a specific liquid residue of some kind on the skin)
* Does not have erratic repeated motility resembling the motion of a creature.
* It does not regroup on its own -unless if in a paddle- stirred by a non-absorbent object
* Does not sink under the skin, or
* Does not return back up to the surface repeatedly
* It simply evaporates if exposed to air or heat
Assuming the above assessment is correct, it leads to the conclusion
that it was the viewing of some Fungus at a particular stage of its development
(Was identified as Malassezia at a later stage)
Malassezia Liquid stage on Fingertip

( Photo was added June 2012 after identification )
Orange arrows: Liquid stage Malassezia shapes on surface of Fingertip
Blue arrow: Semi-liquid Malassezia blob collected from edge of the eye
(when rubbed between finger and thumb it dries releasing gritty sand like particles)
(Green arrows: Reflection of Digital Microscope’s lights)
Viewed Under Biological Microscope
Samples from different parts of the body such as Skin or Nail scrapings, Hair,
Vaginal and Anal swabs as well as white particles like dandruff deposited on scalp
and skin surface, viewed with Biological Microscope,
have repeatedly revealed Malassezia Segmented Filaments/ Hyphae, Nodules
in various stages of development surrounded by what appear to be eggs/spores?
Called as "Spaghetti and meatballs"
in various stages of development surrounded by what appear to be eggs/spores?
Called as "Spaghetti and meatballs"
Malassezia Segmented Filaments/ Hyphae, Nodules

(only the Filaments visible in our photos due to poor quality camera) (1-2)
(much like in the Google photos (3-4)

Some of the filaments appear bright red -and it is my assumption - that it is due to
either freshly fed - or blood infused ready for incubation.
One indisputable fact based on its behaviour, indicates that it needs blood
but not sure if to feed or to incubate and multiply or both.
My guess is -and it is only a guess - that it feeds on other substances
as it does not dig into the skin to create lesions to access blood
until a later stage of its development presumably when ready to incubate.
Malassezia Yeast: Cycle and Development Stages (2)
For the Past Three years – 09 to 12- at time of Updating this Entry
i have been observing the behaviour and patterns of this creature
following its 'Footprints' 24 / 7.
Although i can never tell with absolute certainty about the order or sequence
of its development and operations or from where it all starts or ends,
of its development and operations or from where it all starts or ends,
i have overtime collated a picture based on reliable repetition of patterns
which, if nothing else, is near accurate regarding the reliability
of repetition of their occurrence.
of repetition of their occurrence.
The picture that has emerged from
* Collating Patterns of Repeated Behaviour
* Associated sensations of non-visible activity as well as appearing
* Connected and / or following Visible Physical Manifestation of symptoms
such as Lesions, Scratch Lines, Crystalline Shards etc, is:
A Distinct Indication of Two Ways / Routes of Traffic
Route 1:
From the Vaginal and Anal / Rectal area Upwards to the Head /Scalp
(Men may experience it as Penile and /or Anal Irritation, Redness, Burning, Itching)
Route 2:
From Head, down to the Vaginal /Penis and Anal / Rectal areas
My guess/assumption supported by consistent physical sensation, is:
It emerges from inside the Vaginal and Anal areas,
It emerges from inside the Vaginal and Anal areas,
and spreads Throughout the Entire Body
settling along Inside Body Hair Follicles
settling along Inside Body Hair Follicles
*Some spread Upwards to Buttocks, Torso, and to Head / Scalp / Hair,
and some spread Downwards to Thighs, Legs, Feet and especially Toes,
during the first part of development.
After completing preparation and ready for the next part of development
follows Route 2:
From the Head spread downwards and return back inside the Genitals
It is done in a forceful, blind Kamikaze fashion and determination
and it is hard to stop or deter away unless drastic measures taken
From the Head spread downwards and return back inside the Genitals
It is done in a forceful, blind Kamikaze fashion and determination
and it is hard to stop or deter away unless drastic measures taken
Some remain outside on the surface, solidify, attach on the skin
and start developing hyphae and draw blood for the creation
-if given a chance- of a lesion, lasting near four weeks.
and start developing hyphae and draw blood for the creation
-if given a chance- of a lesion, lasting near four weeks.
Cycle R1 and R2 are completed in 3 -3 ½ Days.
Cycle Inside a Lesion lasts approximately 4 weeks for each ‘unit’ entry
(may be multiple ‘unit’ entries attached to one area as blood draws more to the spot
and each developing in its own time)
and each developing in its own time)
* * *
There also appear to be Four –Detectable– Stages of Development
as different, distinct, physical sensations and verified by Microscope viewing of samples.
Stage 0: As in Spores in the Intestinal Canal -only visible under Biological Microscope-
as well as –no doubt– in the pores of the body
(from where some types of bumps spring outwards)
Stage 1- Liquid, sliding, gliding sensation when emerging from Inside the Private areas
(and as spores when passing gas, with a distinct soft rolling sand sensation)
Stage 2- Semi-solid like thick liquid or jelly – a brief stage just before solidification-
detectable in some areas where colour and concentration render it visible
to the naked eye, as in the corners of the eye or inside the ears
and easily viewed with Digital Microscope
Stage 3- Solidification stage into Crystalline shards like dandruff with a deceptive
strong crawling sensation possibly caused by the developing hyphae.
Deceptive because there is no much actual crawling - as at this stage it becomes
immobile and the sensation likely caused by the developing hyphae
Deceptive because there is no much actual crawling - as at this stage it becomes
immobile and the sensation likely caused by the developing hyphae
ready to attach into the skin and start drawing blood and digging into the flesh
for the beginning of
Stage 4- Creation of a Lesion where it settles in on that area and makes several attempts
to dig in and –if given the chance- it does digging and laying ...
for approximately four weeks.
* Activity of different stages from mobilisation, to settlement and multiplication(?)
occurs approximately every 15 -20 minutes throughout the day and night .
* It needs Blood to feed or multiply or both
* The Entire Body is its Kingdom ...
* There are No: Prohibited, Un-Accessible or Avoided Areas
* It Relocates if disturbed while mobile but messes up the area badly
if it has solidified, stationary and attached.
* Persistent, Adaptable and almost Indestructible
At this stage i have not found much information regarding its reproductive activity
But ... multiply .... It Certainly Does!!!....
One source mentions it is asexually fertilised, i.e. Self-Replicating
and i can believe so though i am wondering what then with the spores
referred to as “Meatballs” surrounding the “Spaghetti” i.e. fibres /hyphae?
One theory i have –so far unsubstantiated by any concrete evidence- is that
if it is asexually fertilised, i.e. Self-Replicating then perhaps -and i stress the perhaps!-
after it sprays the surface of Skin and Hair with the Grayish Sticky Layer,
it then solidifies into white dandruff like shards -i.e. reaches maturity- and adheres itself
on it until it starts growing its Segmented Filaments / Hyphae...
clearly visible under Biological Microscope.
The photo below shows the shard –under microscope- just unfolding / developing
filaments / hyphae.

To Recap
* Malassezia comes out of the Internal Private areas
* Spreads in different parts of the body,
* Undergoes some stage of development
* Some of it remains outside
* Continues its development
* Completing the cycle of spraying sticky substance,
developing bumps and lesions from where new spores emerge
at intervals during a four week period approximately
(during those intervals itchiness and light crawling is experienced)
*While some, return back inside, in either Genital or Rectal area
for a reason i have not yet been able to establish.
I suspect though that coming out from the Genital / Intestinal areas
may have to do with needing Sunlight possibly connected
with Ergosterol / Calcium formation for its (crystalline) shell???
with Ergosterol / Calcium formation for its (crystalline) shell???
What happens when it Returns Inside and Why... i am in the dark!
The secrets of Nature have not yet been revealed...
I can say though that an important observation some time back
before i had established the latest Daily Maintenance,
i used to feel the Burning sensation in the Vaginal area,
similar to the one on the surface of the skin and suffered painful,
bleeding lesions inside the walls.
similar to the one on the surface of the skin and suffered painful,
bleeding lesions inside the walls.
Additionally, during the Acidophilus Experiment i was retrieving inserted cotton balls
-intended to keep the capsule form sliding out- sprayed with the Grayish Sticky Layer on them.
-intended to keep the capsule form sliding out- sprayed with the Grayish Sticky Layer on them.
This is one of many indications to me that Malassezia:
Can Equally Complete its Cycle Both Inside as Much as Outside.
Still some missing links...
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